Any officer of the Correctional Services Department or other person employed in the prisons who commits a disciplinary offence shall be liable to be dismissed or otherwise dealt with as provided by or under this ordinance. 任何惩教署人员或受雇于监狱的其它人,如犯违纪行为,可被解雇,或可按照由本条例或根据本条例规定的其它形式予以处置。
If the investigation reveals that Party B has committed any disciplinary or legal offence, Party A shall be entitled to terminate this contract. 如调查显示乙方有违纪或违法行为的,则甲方有权解除本合同。
On the Principles of Disciplinary Measures against Students in Violation of Discipline under Laws; The guidelines lies down rules for dealing with traffic offence. 法治视野下的高校学生违纪处分原则基本原则规定了处理违犯交通法规的规则。
Students who have committed any disciplinary offence are not qualified for scholarship application. 凡受过纪律处分的学生无评选奖学金资格。
Shall be guilty of a disciplinary offence. 即属作出违纪行为。